பார்க்க வேண்டிய உலக சினிமாக்கள்!

World Cinemas you need to watch

1.children of heaven

2.Life is beautiful

3.The way home

4.the road home

5.cinema paradiso

6.run lala run

7.mariya full of grace


9.central station


11.the pianist

12.hotel rwanda

13.city lights

14.the cyclist

15.the return

16.meghe dhake tara

17.a shortfilm about love

18.rabbit proof fence

19.the battle of algiers


21.citizen kane

22.good bye lenin


24.postman in the mountains

25.la strada

26.the day I became a women

27.The extra teristerial

28.the 400 blows

29.khamosh pani

part – 2

30. The last emperor


32.death on a fullmoon day

33.talk to her

34.At five in the afternoon

35.City of god

36.in the mood for love


38.pather panchali

39.no mans land


41.battleship potemkin

42.salaam bombay


44.raging bull

45.where is my friend’s home

46.Ballad of a soldier

47.landscape in the mist

48.Be with me

49.the postman

50.dancer in the dark

51.cries and whispers

52.the runner

53.tokyo story

54.blow – up

55.spring summer fall winter and spring

56.ali zaoua

57.hiroshima my love

58.The colour of pomagranates

59.paradise now

60.Malcolm x

61.the white nights


63.the white balloon

64.my uncle

65.lawrence of arabia

66.beautiful boxer




70.in this world

71.the birds

72.amores perros


74.mother and son


76.what time is it there?

77.paris, texas

78.cyrano de bergerac

79.painted fire

80.travellers & magicians

81.the grand illusion

82.the piano

83.honey for oshun

84.The passion of joan of arc

85.pulp fiction

86.ugetsu monogatari

87.the piano teacher

88.spirited away


90.the godfather

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